Are you preparing for a major surgery? Recent medical research indicates that guided imagery is an effective way to maximize the body's healing resources and take the worry out of surgery.
Martin L. Rossman, MD, presents Preparing for Surgery, a series of simple imagery techniques proven to benefit patients with quicker recoveries, fewer complications, less pain, and less bleeding after an operation. Includes three exercises to support a successful surgery and more rapid recovery.
Suggestions for Working with Guided Imagery:
- For your own safety and the safety of others, never listen to guided-imagery exercises while you are driving or operating dangerous equipment
- A quiet, darkened place, or an eye pillow, may make it easier to concentrate
- Try headphones or speakers if you have the choice and see which one you prefer
- Get comfortable and feel free to move anytime to stay comfortable
- Let your answering machine answer the phone, turn off the ringer, or unplug the phone
- Tell your housemates that you'd like to be undisturbed for about 30 minutes, unless there is a genuine emergency
- Taking some time to write or draw about your experience afterward is a good way to deepen your experience with your guided imagery.