The knife calibrator is a laser-based, non-contact sensor used for alignment correction and tool length detection of knife blades. The sensor is installed on the machine’s tabletop and is fitted with a sensor cover to protect the emitter and receiver from debris. The sensor operates in a similar fashion to the photoelectric beam seen in most garage door systems.
>The sensor determines the angle and length of knife blade tools, eliminating the need for operators to manually set knife tools. The device is compatible with a variety of>standard oscillating knife blades and tangential saber blades.
• The sensor accurately and safely measures knife blades>• Reduces quality issues such as cutting too deep or “rough” edges on parts caused my manual alignment>• Saves time during setup>• Prolongs the life of the cutting mat>• Improves safety to operators by minimizing blade handling>• Increases life of blades by calibrating the knife angle accurately as opposed to manually
>Machine Compatibility:>The Knife Calibration device is compatible with all Trident, AXYZ Series and Infinite machines outfitted with spindles. Machines without spindles cannot machine the pocket in which the knife calibrator sits.
OS Compatibility (min.): 6.6A RC1>A2MC Controller (min.): A2MC Revision 6